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  • Immigra staff

Visa requirements for immigration procedures in Paraguay

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

Starting July 1st, the National Directorate of Migrations has instituted the requirement of obtaining a visa for foreign citizens wishing to apply for residency permits or extensions in Paraguay.

This measure will apply to citizens from countries that do not have visa exemption agreements with Paraguay.

For those in need of a visa but lacking one, Immigra is pleased to assist in processing this requirement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay and appending it to the necessary documentation as per the specific application type at the Immigration Reception Desks.

If you would like more information regarding countries requiring visas, please don't hesitate to contact us at the following email address:
Extranjeros que necesiten gestionar tramites migratorios deberán presentar VISA en Migraciones Paraguay
Migraciones requires VISA for Residence processes in Paraguay


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